Micromedical VisualEyes™ 515/525 by Interacoustics


The VisualEyes™ 515/525 modules offer advanced videonystagmography testing. Vestibular function assessment can be furthered when integrated with caloric irrigators and rotary chairs from Interacoustics. An exclusive add-on to VisualEyes™ 525 is the VORTEQ™ Diagnostic Package, which includes the Active Head Rotation (AHR) test, and the Video Head Impulse Test (vHIT), which you can perform with your binocular VNG goggle. Alternatively, EyeSeeCam vHIT can now be integrated with VisualEyes™, including it as a test in your VNG test battery.

NZ Medsafe ID: 210430-WAND-6WROFB

Features and downloads

  • Positional testing with 515/525
  • Caloric testing with 515/525
  • Rotary chair testing with 515/525
  • Advanced oculomotor testing with 525
  • Torsional eye tracking with 525
  • Saccadometry with 525
  • Optional VORTEQâ„¢ Diagnostic add-on with 525
  • Optional EyeSeeCam vHIT add-on with 515/525