

PC-Operated Screening Audiometer

The MedRx AVANT AIR+ is small and lightweight but offers powerful functions — an ideal audiometer choice for traveling. It is capable of air threshold testing and offers automatic air audiometry testing. The frequencies of the device range from 125 Hz – 8 kHz. Use the AVANT AIR+ for community screenings where air tresholds are needed.

The AVANT AIR+ is a pc based device with HID — a true plug and play audiometer.

NZ Medsafe ID: 180418-WAND-6Q6646

  • medrx_avant_air_800x800

Features and downloads

  • Air Threshold Testing
  • Automatic air audiometry testing
  • 125 Hz - 8 kHz
  • NOAH™ Compatible
  • HID device - true plug and play audiometer